The Codemod command-line interface (CLI) allows you to interact with Codemod platform using a terminal or through an automated system.

The Codemod CLI accepts a variety of subcommands and options to explore, publish, and run codemods.

The Codemod CLI requires Node.js v16+.


npm i -g codemod


codemod learn

The learn command uses the diff of the latest edited file to automatically build a codemod using Codemod Studio.

After running this command, if any git diff exists, the Codemod Engine will use the diff as before/after snippets in Codemod Studio.

codemod learn


Can be used to list the codemods available in Codemod Registry and optionally search for a specific codemod using its name or tags.

Aliases: list and ls

codemod search [optional-search-query]

This command has special flags available to it that can be combined together to perform more advanced searches.

codemod search [optional-search-query] --mine

codemod init

Can be used to scaffold a new codemod package.

codemod init

codemod publish

Can be used to publish a codemod to Codemod Registry.

Publishing codemods requires logging in to Codemod platform and having a codemod that is compatible with Codemod Registry.

To do so, use the publish command inside the codemod package directory:

codemod publish

Alternatively, you can publish a codemod from :

codemod publish [path] --source

codemod unpublish

Can be used to unpublish a codemod you own from Codemod Registry.

You can publish a specific version of your codemods using:

codemod unpublish [codemod-name]@[version]

Or you can completely unpublish your codemod, including all versions, from the registry:

codemod unpublish [codemod-name] -f


codemod run

You can use the codemod command to run codemods.

Codemod CLI allows you to run codemods:

  1. from Codemod Registry
  2. from source
    • using a
    • using a
codemod [codemod-name]

To run a specific codemod version, you can use codemod [codemod-name]@[version].

When using the codemod command, Codemod CLI will attempt to run a codemod as long as it is not followed by a reserved command name.


The following options can be used to change the default behavior of Codemod CLI.

--include (-i)
glob pattern
"Defined by the codemod engine"

Can be used to specify the files to be targeted by the codemod.

codemod [codemod-name] -i "example_file"
Due to performance reasons, Codemod CLI does not check if the path in the defined pattern is a file or directory. Folders should be defined with a trailing slash. Every other entry will be treated as a file.
--exclude (-e)
glob pattern
"node_modules/, dist/, build/, .next/, .git/"

While running a codemod, you may want to prevent changes from occurring to specific parts of your project. The --exclude option can be used to specify a glob pattern of the files to be ignored by the codemod.

By default, Codemod CLI excludes the patterns defined in the .gitignore found in the project’s root directory.

codemod [codemod-name] -e "example_file"
Due to performance reasons, Codemod CLI does not check if the path in the defined pattern is a file or directory. Folders should be defined with a trailing slash. Every other entry will be treated as a file.
--target (-t)

Can be used to specify the directory of your project that the CLI should target while running codemods. This option is set as the current directory by default.

codemod [codemod-name] -t [path]
--dry (-d)

Can be used to switch to dry run mode. Dry running codemods helps you see the changes the codemod will make without affecting the project files.

codemod [codemod-name] --dry

Prints the readme (description) of the codemod.

codemod [codemod-name] --readme

Prints the configuration of the codemod.

codemod [codemod-name] --config

Can be used to enable prettier formatting to the files affected by the codemod.

codemod [codemod-name] --format

If you want to use ESM-specific features like top-level await or import.meta in your codemods, you can use this flag.

You can also rename your codemod entry-point file to use .mjs or .mts extension to omit using this compatibility flag.
codemod [codemod-name] --json

Can be used to disable caching downloaded codemod files.

codemod [codemod-name] --no-cache
Disabling cache can ensure you are getting the freshest results. While keeping the cache enabled can help you save bandwidth and time for repetitive use of the same codemods.

Can be used to disable dependencies installation after codemod run.

codemod [codemod-name] --no-install
Some codemods may install or remove dependencies after running. This option allows you to disable that behavior and handle dependency upgrades manually.

Can be used to disable CLI telemetry data collection.

codemod [codemod-name] --no-telemetry

Can be used to skip interactive prompts (run the CLI in no output mode).

codemod [codemod-name] --no-interactive

Used to specify the engine for standalone codemod runs.

When running standalone codemods (the ones that do not have a codemod-compatible directory structure), you will be prompted to select a codemod engine that your codemod was built with. To support non-interactive mode, we added this optional flag.
codemod [codemod-name] --no-interactive
--json (-j)

Can be used to switch the CLI responses to JSON format.

codemod [codemod-name] --json
--threads (-n)

Can be used to specify the number of worker threads the CLI uses while running codemods.

codemod [codemod-name] -n [number-of-threads]

Can be used to generate a log file when running a codemod.

codemod [codemod-name] --logs

You can then open the log file by running:

codemod --logs

Other commands

codemod login

Can be used to login to Codemod platform.

codemod login
codemod logout

Can be used to logout from Codemod platform.

codemod logout
codemod feedback

Can be used to visit our feedback page and share your thoughts on Codemod Platform.

codemod feedback
codemod help

Can be used to show a list of all available commands and options for Codemod CLI.

codemod help

You can also use this flag in combination with a particular CLI command to display usage information relevant to that command.

codemod login --help
codemod --version (-v)

Can be used to show the currently active version of Codemod CLI.

codemod --version