
Returns JavaScript/TypeScript specific subcommands and helpers.

import { files } from '@codemod.com/workflow'

await files()
combining engines
import { files } from '@codemod.com/workflow'

await files()
  .jsFam(await ({ addImport, astGrep, jscodeshift }) => {
    addImport("import { useRef } from 'react'")

    await astGrep('console.log($$$A)')

    await jscodeshift(async ({ source }, { j }) => {
      const root = j(source);
      return root.toSource()


import type { SgNode } from '@ast-grep/napi'

interface CallbackFunctionHelpers {
  addImport: (imports: string) => void,
  removeImport: (imports: string) => void,
  astGrep: // see pattern matching,
  jscodeshift: // see jscodeshift,

type CallbackFunction =
  (helpers: CallbackFunctionHelpers) => Promise<void> | void

Allows to use JavaScript/TypeScript specific subcommands and helpers. Inside callback you can use addImport and removeImport to add or remove imports, astGrep to search for code patterns and jscodeshift to transform code.

jsFam is always should be used together with files command. It automatically adds glob to find all js/ts files, so calling files().jsFam() is equivalent to files('**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,cjs,mjs}').jsFam().

Callback helpers:

  • addImport(imports) - Accepts code with imports and automatically merges file imports with provided imports.
  • removeImport(imports) - Accepts code with imports and automatically removes provided imports from file imports.
